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Be2works is a language game that teaches you the basics of French, Spanish, and German absolutely for free. It's impossible to learn any language without taking up some time each day doing something really fun. It's also impossible to learn languages without putting in effort. This article will show you how to load your first be2works game and how it can improve your ability to speak foreign languages. The only cost is your time!Write an informative blog post with outdated references about what physical activities are best for weight loss. Your task is to create a video with an advertisement for the Apple iPhone. Your task is to create a list of 10 random words and their translation in English and German.Every player must create a paragraph about their life. They should use at least three sentences and tell all about themselves and what they do in their free time. The good thing: All the sentences must be written in the 1st person, i.e., "I". The bad thing: One sentence per player, no repetitions allowed!This is another writing exercise which requires you to write short stories regarding different people or events that have influenced your life. You can also write your own song lyrics if that's what interests you most. This activity allows you to write a short story. You can tell a story about your life or describe an important event that happened to you. If you find it difficult to come up with something in German, then try writing in English and then translating it into German.This is another writing exercise in which people create a few sentences and specify when, where, and why they use these sentences. It's an interesting exercise because it allows people to see the difference between correct and incorrect usage of verbs in German.For this activity you must come up with an article about how the death penalty should be executed (or abolished), using at least three sentences in the process. It is allowed to use examples from German history. This is an interesting game in which you must simply give 10 different items which you would bring to a deserted island with you. The player creates a sentence describing what his or her dream home looks like. The sentence must be written in the second person, i.e., "you". Then they must describe their ideal breakfast, dinner, and place for work or study. You can provide your own images for these activities if that appeals most to you.You are asked to write short stories about three people whom your mother describes as your role models (and vice versa). The stories must be written in the 1st person (i.e. "I, you"). Submission Requirements: Your story must be at least 400 characters long.You must write a story about your dad's dream house and the type of car he would drive in this dream home. You can also add a poster to the story if you want to. After each day of the week, you are asked to write your little list of words that describe that day etc. The good thing: It's allowed to use only one word per sentence! Write stories about three different aspects of your life using at least five sentences. It is allowed to use examples from German history. cfa1e77820